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Sunday 30 September 2007

Things that Make You Go 'Whu?'

Made by the Fleischer studios in 1931 and featuring an early appearance by Betty Boop. In this incarnation she has a deep voice and dogs' ears.

The Bum Bandit? If you can get your head around any of this, you're doing far better than I am.


Stephen Melling said...

Betty Boop with a deep voice and dog ears?


Stephen Gallagher said...

Click on her name and you can see the whole thing on YouTube, if that's what floats your boat!

Anonymous said...

What the heck was that all about? And they say Dali did wierd stuff...

Good Dog said...

A little bit weird. A whole lot wrong. Maybe it's what Cadbury's should have used instead of the drumming ape.

sue said...

trying to contact Marylyn from TOPS course for reunion next year. How do we do it? Sue Hulley, Wendy, Jean, Eileen and Brenda

Stephen Gallagher said...

Sue -- drop a line to my website using webguy@stephengallagher.com and I'll forward your message and email address.